2010 ALS User Meeting Workshop
Soft X-Ray Microscopy for Nanomaterials
October 14, 2010
Dr. Peter Fischer
(510) 486 7052
Soft X-ray microscopies are powerful
analytical tools for addressing problems in nanosciences.
They achieve high spatial resolution with state-of-the-art Fresnel zone plate
optics demonstrating now better than 10nm spatial resolution. The wide tunability of the wavelength at synchrotron sources
provides inherent elemental specificity and the pulsed time structure at
current X-ray sources allows for stroboscopic pump-probe experiments to study
sub-ns dynamical processes. Utilizing strong magnetic dichroism
effects with polarized soft X-rays at specific photon energies enables a
quantitative imaging of nanoscale spin dynamics. The
high penetrability of soft X-ray has opened nanotomographic
capabilities which are being used in biological and environmental areas.
This workshop reviews recent achievements with full field soft X-ray microscopies in nanomaterials
sciences such as magnetic materials and environmental sciences and envisions
future capabilities.
10:00 |
P. Fischer (CXRO/LBNL) |
“Overview of recent advances
and future opportunities in soft X-ray microscopy” |
10:30 |
A. Hoffmann (ANL) |
11:00 |
S.-K. Kim (Seoul Natl. U) |
“Soft x-ray microscopy study of vortex dynamics in soft magnetic
dots at XM-1” |
11:30 |
F. Macia (NYU) |
“Spin-wave interference patterns created
by spin-torque oscillators” |
12:00 |
13:15 |
K. Jenkins (ALS/LBNL) |
“Design and application of multifunctional manganese intermetallics” |
13:45 |
C. Baldasseroni (UCB) |
“Development of a membrane based nanocalorimeter as an X-ray transparent heater stage” |
14:15 |
C.S. Fadley (LBNL/UCD) |
depth resolution to soft x-ray photoelectron microscopy with standing-wave
excitation: applications to spintronic nanostructures” |
14:45 |
Q. Qiu (UCB) |
“Microscopy study of magnetic nanostructures using X-rays” |
15:15 |
15:35 |
C. Kumar (LSU) |
“Design and Engineering of Core-shell
Magnetic Nanomaterials – Current
Challenges” |
16:05 |
J. Thieme (NSLSII/BNL) |
“Anthropogenic and natural nanoparticles in the environment – dynamics and
interactions” |
16:35 |
M. Mancio (UCB) |
“Probing the nanostructure and morphology of cementitious
and pozzalonic materials using x-rays” |
17:05 |
W. Chao (CXRO/LBNL) |
“Ultrahigh Resolution Soft X-ray Zone Plate Microscopy at
ALS” |
17:35 |
Adjourn |
Participants of the workshop relaxing
during lunch break