The current research
activities utilize specific features of full-field soft X-ray
transmission microscopy
- elemental specificity of x-ray absorption
- high lateral
resolution (currently down to 15nm) provided by Fresnel zone plates
as optical elements
- large field of view
of 15-20μm for a single image, which can be tiled up to even larger
- recording images in
varying external environments (magnetic fields, temperatures)
- sub-ns temporal
resolution utilizing the pulsed time structure of the storage ring in
a stroboscopic pump-probe scheme
- magnetic phase contrats imaging
Therefore XM-1 is used to image at high spatial and temporal resolution microscopic structures with
applications to magnetism, materials and environmental
science and biology.
Typical scientific topics include
- spin current induced domain wall motion
- spin torque induced dynamics
- stochastical character of nucleation
- microscopic magnetization reversal behaviour
in pattermed media
- fast magnetization dynamics in patterned elements

Materials science
- electromigration processes and void
formation in interconnects

Environmental Science
- formation of cement

- imaging of Malaria
infected blood cells
- 3D imaging of cell structures with x-ray

Zone plate optics
- phase sensitive Fourier optics
- development of preparation techniques
- increasing the lateral resolution
- measuring zone plate efficiencies
